About Us

Corporate Governance

The Board and Executive Team operate in accordance with the Board and Committee Charters, TAHE’s Constitution, the Transport Administration Act 1988 (TAA), the State-Owned Corporations Act 1989 and governance best practice.

This ensures we support our people and business operations, set the framework for sound ethical, financial and risk management practices, and undertake effective compliance and auditing programs.

TAHE’s Board of Directors sets our overall strategy and direction. Powers, functions, responsibilities and membership details of the Board are outlined in the Board Charter. All TAHE staff and Board members are obligated to comply with the TAHE Code of Ethics and Conduct.

In accordance with the TAA and TAHE's Constitution, the Board currently consists of a non-Executive Chair, two non-Executive Directors, the TAHE Chief Executive Officer in her capacity as an Managing Director and the Transport Secretary (statutory appointment).

The TAHE Board has three committees: Audit and Risk Committee; Asset, Safety and Environment Committee and Remuneration and Nominations Committee.

Our Focus

  1. Safe and reliable

    We are committed to effective strategic asset management to provide a safe, reliable rail network.

  2. Commercially successful

    Creating new value and driving growth through commercial and proactive management of our high-quality asset portfolio.

  3. Socially responsible

    Building stronger communities by creating vibrant and successful places and returning value.

  4. Support regional development

    Working to improve mobility and connections for people and freight across regions, transport modes and industry sectors.

  5. Ecologically sustainable

    Acting sustainably and ensuring all our decisions and actions are taken with an eye on NSW’s future needs.

Board Members

Corporate Governance
Bruce Morgan

Bruce Morgan

Adjunct Professor University of New South Wales
Chair of the Board and Chair of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee

Anne McDonald

Anne McDonald

Adjunct Professor University of New South Wales
Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee

Trevor Bourne

Trevor Bourne

BSc (Mech Eng), MBA, FAICD
Chair of the Asset, Safety and Environment Committee

Bénédicte Colin

Bénédicte Colin

GAICD, MBA Law & Finance – ESSEC, Bachelor Business & Tax Law – URS Admitted to the Paris Bar as an attorney
Chief Executive Officer